The Female Health Company's Brazilian Distributor, Semina, Gets Contract For Up To 20 Million FC2 Female Condoms
Professional Services Close-Up
May 20, 2011 Friday
The Female Health Company announced that its exclusive distributor in Brazil, Semina Industria e Comercio (Semina), was successful in a public tender to supply the Brazilian Ministry of Health (MOH) with up to 20 million FC2 Female Condoms.
What else to look for
How to use it
Instructions on the use of the female condom
Why use it
Imagine a device that can be worn by a woman during sex...
The facts
Why female condoms should be accessible for all
Acceptance levels vary from 41 to 95 per cent
Increased uptake and more consistent and continued contraceptive use
We need an increase in variety of female condoms
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Other news in the section Why
- Female condoms slowly gaining popularity - UNFPA report
- Zimbabwe: 'Female Condom Side-Effects Exaggerated'
- Female condoms hit the spotlight - Will U.S. women see more options?
- Female condoms: Empowered prevention
- The Female Health Company's Brazilian Distributor, Semina, Gets Contract For Up To 20 Million FC2 Female Condoms
- The Alleged Rise Of The Female Condom [Safe Sexing]
- Comment Of The Day: Nothing's Sexier Than A Plastic Bag Rustling In Your Vagina [Reader Roundup]
- Un condón para ellas
- The Alleged Rise Of The Female Condom [Safe Sexing]
- Houston Launches Innovative Partnership to Expand Access to the FC2 Female Condom
Other relevant content
- Hiv Prevention Gains Momentum (document)
- FC: U.S. Foreign Assistance (document)
- Recommendations Paris meeting 28 april 2010 (document)
- How to use Cupid Condom (document)
- Updated briefs repr. health technologies (document)
- How to use a Path condom (document)
- How to use an FC2 condom (document)
- How to use a Medtech condom (document)
- Microbicides and female condoms (document)
- FC Advocacy Leaflet from Cameroon (document)
Latest news in other sections
- Female condoms slowly gaining popularity - UNFPA report
- Zimbabwe: 'Female Condom Side-Effects Exaggerated'
- Female condoms hit the spotlight - Will U.S. women see more options?
- Female condoms: Empowered prevention
- The Female Health Company's Brazilian Distributor, Semina, Gets Contract For Up To 20 Million FC2 Female Condoms
- The Alleged Rise Of The Female Condom [Safe Sexing]
- Comment Of The Day: Nothing's Sexier Than A Plastic Bag Rustling In Your Vagina [Reader Roundup]
- Un condón para ellas
- The Alleged Rise Of The Female Condom [Safe Sexing]
- Houston Launches Innovative Partnership to Expand Access to the FC2 Female Condom