The partnership
The UAFC Joint Programme is a partnership between four Dutch organizations: Oxfam Novib, World Population Foundation, i+solutions and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The respective capacities, networks and experience of the partners give added value to the collaboration. i+solutions brings in expertise and experience in the field of pharmaceutical supply chain management, which is valuable in strengthening local partners’ capacity. The organisation also provides the indispensable link to the private sector. WPF has a convincing track record as the advocacy agency for reproductive and sexual health. Its expertise and experience is essential for international and national advocacy for the female condom. Oxfam Novib is the main contracting organisation to implement this female condom programming project. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (and other donors) bring in the ability to generate political clout.
Country programmes
On the level of the two country programmes partnerships are established between NGOs, governmental organisations, community based organisations and for example faith based organisations, private sector and multilateral organisations like the UNFPA.
For the large-scale female condom program in Nigeria UAFC Joint Programme works with the Society for Family Health (SFH) and in Cameroun, Association Camerounaise pour le Marketing Social (ACMS).
Steering committee
The UAFC Joint Programme is strategically led by an International Steering Committee. The mandate of the Steering Committtee is to oversee the overall direction and strategy of the Programme, and to ensure that its implementation remains on course.
The donor organizations that enable the work of UAFC Joint Programme are:
The Hewlett Foundation
Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DANIDA)
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NORAD)
Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SIDA)
Oxfam Novib